


Kumpulan materi B. Inggris salinan dari buku tulis..


Passive Voice adalah kalimat yang berbentuk passive atau suatu pekerjan yang dilakakan oleh pelaku yang berada pada objek.
Pola dasar Passive Voice adalah: To be + V3
Yang dimaksud dengan to be adalah: am, is, are, was, were, be, been, being.

Passive Voice dapat dikategorikan secara umum menjadi:
a. Passive Voice bentuk simple
Rumus: To be + V3
Contoh: 1. Present
A : He cleans the room
P : The room is cleaned by him.

2. Past
A : He cleaned the room.
P : The room was cleaned by him.

3. Future
A : He will clean the room
P : The room will be cleaned by him.

b. Passive Voice bentuk Progressive (continuous)
Rumus : to be + being + V3
Contoh: 1. Present
A : He is cleaning the room
P : The room is being cleaned by him.

2. Past
A : He was cleaning the room
P : The room was being cleaned by him.

3. Future
A : He will be clean the room
P : The room will be being cleaned by him.

c. Passive Voice bentuk Perfect
Rumus : Has/have/had + been + V3
Contoh : 1. Present
A : He has cleaned the room
P : The room has been cleaned by him.

2. Past
A : He had cleaned the room
P : The room had been cleaned by him.

3. Future
A : He will have cleaned the room
P : The room will have been cleaned by him.

d. Passive Voice yang menggunakan interpersonal it
Interpersonal it digunakan untuk membuat kalimat pasif dari kalimat aktif yang subyeknya adalah : people, everyone, everybody dan diikuti oleh ‘that clause’.
Contoh: 1. A : People say that we have made much progress.
P : it is said that we have made much progress.
2. A : Everyone believed that there was no life in the moon.
P : It was said that there was no life in the moon.

1. Bentuk Gerund yang mengandung arti pasif
Bentuk Gerund sesudah kata kerja need, want, dan require mengandung arti pasif.
Contoh : 1. A : The garden needs watering.
P : The garden needs to be watered.
2. A : The pens require refilling.
P : The pens require to be refilled.

e. Passive voice bentuk pertanyaan (question)
1. Yes/No Question
Rumus : Tidak punya modal : To be + subject + V3
Punya modal : Modal + subject + be + V3

Contoh : A : Does he write an article?
P : Is an article written by him?

A : Can he write an article?
P : Can an article be written by him?

2. Question Words (WH-Question)
Contoh : A : When does he write an article?
P : When Is an article written by him?

A : Who writes an article?
P : By whom is an article written?
P : Whom is an article written by?


  1. thank you very much for your information. BRAVO for your BLOG.

  2. cuma mau tanya,
    contoh trakhir yg mnggunakan WH question ada sourcenya ga?
    soalnya ada sdikit prbedaan pendapat, mnurut saya bentuk kedua contoh itu bisa digunakan tp mnurut teman saya "an article is written by whom?" yg digunakan..
    saya blm punya source yg pasti sbg landasan..
    trimakasih :)


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